Fertility Test For Men

Fertility Test For Men

Many couples have a desire to have children, but in some instances, they just don’t want to get pregnant. This may be because one of you may not be fertile. In about one third of all couples there are fertility problems and this mainly occurs in the man. Thus, the man often has reduced sperm quality, and you can even have this tested at home. With a home sperm count test, you can find this out. This is of course examined by experts and so you know exactly whether you are fertile, or not. How does this work exactly? In this article, we will discuss this in detail, so you can find out more.

What is a sperm test?

A spermcheck is a fertility test for men, which allows you to examine the quality of your sperm. In the laboratory, the number of sperm cells present in your sperm Read the rest

How Do You Determine The Gender of Your Baby?

How Do You Determine The Gender of Your Baby?

Did you just find out you are pregnant with your first child? Congratulations, because pregnancy is obviously beautiful and one of the most beautiful moments of your life. When you’re pregnant, your baby’s health naturally comes first. Still, most parents remain curious and want to know the sex of the child. Is it a boy or a girl? Because you know the sex, you can also buy certain items and clothes for the child. In this way, you are fully prepared for the arrival of your boy or girl. Are you curious how to determine the gender? And how is the gender of your baby is established? In this article, we go into detail about that, so you can learn more about it.

How is the gender of your baby determined?

During the fertilization of the egg with a sperm, the sex of the baby is directly determined. This can Read the rest